Monday 29 June 2015


In school during English lessons we talked about the reliability of different media. We also discussed whether it is acceptable that the media publish photos of people who died in accidents, terrorist attacks and so on or is this an invasion into people's privacy and family's grief. We discussed more into details various events that made news in Slovenia and  how they were covered by various newspapers and TV channels.

We worked in goups, discussed the sex scandal in Maribor, which was a hot issue in December 2014, and then wrote our opinion about the whole thing. Each group presented their thoughts to the rest of the class.

Results: Most of the groups agreed that very often the journalists and the media do not act professionally, and that they shouldn't have reported about the sex scandal from Maribor. What they did was unethical and unprofessional. They should inform us about things that really matter and should not report about normal people's private life. We also became aware that everybody makes mistakes and that the media can ruin your life.

Photos of our work:

Essays about the media written by our classmates:

The media presented the news unfairly             
  In May 2015 there has been wrongly presented news on Fox News in Washington. Shannon Bream who is the fox News correspondent relied on hate-group unverified talking about churches losing theirs tax-free right. She did some checking but not even close to enough to make sure if what they were saying was true or not.
  Man thing about news has been the strong possibility that the religion institutions such as high-schools and colleges and church will lose their privilege for not paying taxes. In her words that would happen if Supreme Court finds that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional. There has been also talk about potential imprisonment if they do not recognize same-sex marriage.
  But all that was not true. It was discovered that there has been on article about this posted on Fox News website quoting totally unrelated quote to the topic. Plus they kind of mixed together churches and religion institutions.
  The legal experts rejected that statement as »a scare tactic« used by hate groups. They explained it with this quote: »Given that churches have long been able to discriminate against women without losing their tax-exempt status, it seems highly unlikely that they risk losing their tax-exempt status because they discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation.«
  And because churches have freedom to decide how they practice their faith is very unlikely if not impossible for them to loose tax-exempt status.
  I have chosen that topic because it treats the current world's issue.

Klara Kocjančič, 2.a EG


It is a fact that we live in a totally different world. Almost everything is done in a thoughtful way in order to catch people's attention. The same goes for the world of the media. Is it still possible to imagine our lives without the presence of sensationalism in the mass media? Shall we believe everything we read in the newspapers or hear on television? I believe that this has become almost impossible due to the fact it is all about having to deal mass media in which most events and topics in news are promoted to excess just to catch people's attention.
One of the most important arguments is they have to increase the numbers of their viewers or readers. Most of them do not care much about quality of the news that are to be presented to the public. As a consequence, in most cases they report about matters that are not important. What is worse, these issues are often all about biased presentations of certain topics in a tabloid manner which is no doubt quite the opposite of what professional journalism is all about. Another argument is that the mass media adopt often try hard to appeal to our emotions even though they are controversial. In addition, when trying to present these articles, stories or other news to the public they often omit significant details information and while doing it they are quite loud and even self-centered. It is quite sad to think that most facts are misrepresented and most of them are exaggerated. They are far from being that important or that significant. In addition, the content of the news that is about to be offered to the public in most cases does not affect the lives of the masses. The fact is the closer they get the easier is to manipulate with  them. If they have them on their side, they will most probably make more profit which is their priority goals as well. As a consequence, they need sensational stories to make profit and that is why there is literally no place for objectivity.
To sum up, I personally believe that we should not believe to what we hear or see in mass media. There are a lot of ways based on which most stories can be checked. Who says that a good story without the focus on facts, accuracy and truth sells better than real ones? Yes, i agree scandals do attract people's attention but in a long run they leave a void behind them. But this is not what journalism should be all about. The most important thing would be to use just some level of sensationalism to get the reader or viewer look at your story or listen to your story, but to always stick with the truth no matter how unpleasant it might turn out to be.


Wednesday 10 December 2014

THEME 3: Shopping


A few weeks ago we had to go shopping.

First group (video2) had 50 and the other (video1) one 150 euros to spend in our mall. So we made two videos about how we did it! :)
P.S.:We had some problems with both videos, so you can see just a part of them.
In the first video we chose Skittles and Coca Cola because we have already tried them and we were sure they are good for us. That fact shows us that advertisements are important and affect us.
In the video2 we spent 51,46 euros.

Video 1:  Shopping with 150€

Last Thursday me (Eneja), Christal and Ana went shopping with 150€ in the supermarket named Tuš.
First we went to Zara because Christal needed t-shirt and leggins for a performance. We were looking and than Ana suddenly saw a casual white t-shirt and told Christal. She aimed it and it was perfect, so she decided to buy it. But because we didn't found leggins we went to H&M where she bought it with Ana's black purse. I told them that I want white All-star shoes so we went to Thomas sport where Ana gave me pair of them. I remembered that I haven't got anymore food for my cat and dog so we went to Zootic. When we bougt the food Christal thought that she need new nail polish so we went to the store. Ana helped her and they took 2 nail polishes. Because it was Ana's birthday we bought Tequila for celebrate it. Then for the end our friend asked us if we could bought her conditioner and shampoo for hair because she was out of money and she told that she will returned money back tommor. We calculated our budget and we saw that we spent 146,73€.

But here is what some of our classmates wrote about their shopping habits:

I love shopping! I'm the kind of person that feels better when they shop, it makes me feel relaxed.
I go shopping when I need new clothes, or if I see something that I really like, I have to go and buy it. But my shopping depends on how much money I have. It's true that most of the time my parents buy me clothes, but I think it's better to buy them with my own money. I usually go shopping with my best friend or my mom, because they tell me truthfully if they like how the clothes suit me or not. When I go shopping with my friends, we usually go to Tuš shopping center, but when I'm shopping with my mom, we're shopping in Italy, because they have more stuff there, and the clothes are prettier. I usually pay a lot of money for clothes, because I like to buy high quality clothes. I love designer clothes, even though they are a little pricey, they are really comfortable and they last for a long time, they don't get ripped the next day you buy them, so that's why  I  love them. But of course I also buy cheaper clothes in Stradivarius or Bershka or Zara. They have beautiful clothes.
I don't think I'm an impulsive shopper. If I see something I really like, I will buy it, but first I would have to be sure I will wear it and that I wouldn't regret buying it later. I check out every latest trend but I don't wear all of them because I don't like every one of them.

I don't go shopping very often. I go maybe once or twice a month or when I really need something to wear.
Often I go with my mum, I like going with her, because she is not lying to me: if something doesn't suit me, she'll tell me that.
Sometimes I go with my friends. If I go with my mum I go in Italy, but with friends I go in Tuš or something near. My mum thinks that it's better to buy something expensive and good than cheap and bad, but I don't always agree with her, because expensive is not always good, and cheap is not always bad.
I like designer clothes, but they're very expensive, so sometimes I wait for the sales when the prices are reduced, but more often I go for cheaper clothes. Sometimes you get for the same price trousers and a shirt or maybe two shirts.
My choices are influenced by a lot of things. I'll buy something if I like it, if it suits me nice, if it's not very expensive and if I can wear it anywhere.
But I notice that I' m often an impulsive shopper –I see something in a window and I want it immediately.

When I need to buy something, I first go to see the prices on the internet and then I go to buy it.
The amount I am prepared to spend depends of the thing I am buying. For example, I spent 214€ on my bike.
I don't like designer clothes because they are overpriced and sometimes they are bad quality.
Sometimes you buy something cheap, and it is high quality, sometimes it is bad.
I'm not an impulsive buyer. I wait for the prices to fall and then I go and buy something. Sometimes I buy things on the internet if the price is lower than in the shop.

I go shopping at least once a month, but in fact it depends on my free time. The more time I have, the more often I go.
Most often I go with my friends, but I also go with my sister or my mom. I like big shopping centers like Tus Planet and City Park, because they have a big choice.
I spend more money on quality clothes, but sometimes I buy also cheap things, which last for a month or two. I prefer designer clothes but I can't stand paying high prices for beautiful clothes which are made of cheap material.
Sometimes I'm an impulsive buyer but more often I'm not. I like to spend a lot of time deciding between two products. My choices are influenced by my wishes. I like nice colours and design.


Tuesday 18 March 2014


This month we worked on advertising. Few weeks ago we had to do an advertisement for Postojna cave. We used a computer program and did a great job. We also visited the Postojna cave and had a great time.
We think that advertising in an important thing today. You can check out our advertisements for Postojna cave. Take care and enjoy your trip to the Postojna cave (those who are going to visit it here in April).

Thursday 16 January 2014

A generation looking but not seeing, having ears but not listening

Similar situations can be seen in Slovenia, especially since Facebook and other social networks can easily be accessed on your mobile phone. 

 Having a Coffee...

Get together in a restaurant...
Enjoying the beauty in a Museum...   

 Pleasantly Chatting in a cafe' ...  

Enjoying a day at the Beach...   

At the Stadium supporting the team...   

Having fun with the girlfriend...

Appreciating the Town in a convertible...

Einstein was right!

Albert Einstein:
˝I fear the day when technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots.˝

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Social networks in Slovenia

The results of the survey on social networks and of individual interviews with various students and some grown-ups show that Facebook is definitely the most popular social network. Facebook is also the most popular social network in our class – all students from our class have a Fb account. According to the survey, there are also quite a few Twitter and Instagram users, but not as many as Fb users.
Young people use Fb and other social networks for communication - to chat with friends, for sharing photos and for studying. Grown-ups (our teachers, parents) still prefer e-mails for communication, Gmail is the most popular, and not all of them have a Fb account or something similar.In Slovenia, there are a lot of students who come from ex-Yugoslav republics and have relatives in Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia,… and they all claim that they mostly use Fb and also Skype for communication with their relatives.In the last few months, snapchat has become very popular among our classmates and other students of our school. It's an application with which you send a photo to someone who is your friend and you have added them and then they can see that photo for 10 seconds.It seems that in our class there are not any real Fb addicts, but generally we could say that there are many teenagers in Slovenia who tend to spend too much time on Fb. Our classmates are also aware of the dangers of social networks, but maybe they just think so.
What is it like in your country? What social networks are most popular?

Monday 4 November 2013

Theme one: Social networks - Results of the questionnaire


The questionnaire on social networks was filled in by 19 students from our school (aged 14 and 15).
Here are the results:

1. What social networks are used/popular in your country?
The most popular is Facebook.  Then there are Twitter, Instagram andTumblr.
Facebook..... 100%

2. How much time do you spend on these networks?
Most of the students spend about 1 hour on social networks.
1 hour.....56%
2 hours...25%
3 hours....12%

3. What do you use these networks for? Chatting, photos, studying, etc.?
The vast majority uses the networks for chatting, but other activities are quite common, too.

4. Do you limit the access other people have to certain parts of your network?
Everyone limits the access to other people, except for one person.

5. What sort of personal information do you/other people put on these sites? How much of that information is "real"?
Most students say that they post their names, their last names, date of birth and where they live (home town) in their profiles.  They don’t lie about these things. It is common to write on FB about what you are doing, what grades you got in school, what mood you are in, etc. Most of them believe that people often don’t tell the truth about these everyday things.

6.  Have you ever said, posted or done anything on one of these sites that you regret?
Everyone answered NO.

7. Why do people share the information they put on these sides?
The most common answers are: -because of popularity (They believe it will make them more popular with their friends.)
- because people want to share with other people what they are doing -they feel more connected.

8. How many of your "friends" on these sites are your friends?
Most common answers are:  half of friends or most of friends.

9. Have you ever felt deceived by anything you have ever seen or read on these sites?

10. Have you ever had a bad experience because of something you, or someone else, posted on one of these sites? If so, what?
Almost all students said NO. Three students answered YES, but only one wrote about it: "I heard about a girl, who posted her private (house) party. And later that day, there were about 400 people in her house...most of whom she didn't know."

11. What tips would you give to someone who is just starting to use these networks now?
The most popular tip was simply: Be careful!
 But some students offered some really good tips:
-Be careful, think about what you share and enjoy!
-Be careful. You never know who is on the other side of the computer!
-Accept only people you know!
- Think twice before you post something!

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Our emails:

Ana Čok:

David Delovski:

Ines Durić:

Eneja Jerman:

Christal Kleva:

Luka Končarević:

Sara Maksimovič:

Sara Maksimovič

Hello! My name is Sara and I live in Koper. I am a very happy and funny girl. I am 16 years old. When I am not studying for school I am visiting theatres and gallerys. Acting and painting are my big passions. In my free time I also taking pictures of nature, animals and other interesting things. I really hope that one day I will travel the world.

Luka Končarevič

Hi! I am Luka Končarevič, I am 16 years old and I live in Koper (Slovenia). In my free time I play football because I like to play it. Sometimes I play video-games and I like to watch Napoli matches because I am a fan of Napoli. My favourite player is Marek Hamšik. For this reason I cut my hair like him.

Christal Kleva

Hello! My name is Christal Kleva. I'm 15 years old and I was born on 7
January. I love my friends, good music, fashion… I live in Marezige. This is a village a
few minutes away from Koper. I play the clarinet. I'm also in 3 orchestras, Marezige and Koper. I just love travelling and meeting new people.

Eneja Jerman

Hi! My name is Eneja Jerman and I'm 15. I live in Glem. This is a small village near
Koper. I love dancing and playing the clarinet. I am in 3 orchestras. My favourite
colour is red and I like my friends. I like meeting new people and I really like to
trvavel a lot. My English is not very good but I understand everything. :)

David Delovski

Hey, I'm David Delovski and I'm 15 years old. I was born on 20 January in 1999 in Skopje,
Macedonia. Now I live in Izola. I enjoy watching movies and listening to music. My
favourite bands are: Nirvana,The Prodigy, Red Hot Chili Peppers... I love life and
relaxing. My favourite colours are black and white. I like to travel and to meet new
people and their culture.

Ines Durič

Hello! My name is Ines Durič. I am from Koper, Slovenia and I really like my country. My favourite colour is blue and I love pandas. I am a kickboxer and when I grow up I want to be a crime scene investigator. I am happy, easy going person who likes music and horror movies. Take care.

P.S.: ˝When life gives you lemons, squirt someone in the eye.˝
-Cathy Guisewite

Ana Čok

Hello :) My name is Ana Čok. I'm 16 years old. I live in Lokev, this is a village near 
Sezana (Slovenia). I am a positive person and I love to have fun with my friends. In 
free time I do majorettes. What I really love is to travel around the world and discover 
new places and countries.

Who are we?

We are team Magic3 from Slovenia. 
And we are:
(up from left to right):
Ana Čok, Sara Maksimovič, Ines Durič, David Delovski, Luka Končarevič,
(down from left to right):
Eneja Jerman and Christal Kleva.