Monday, 4 November 2013

Theme one: Social networks - Results of the questionnaire


The questionnaire on social networks was filled in by 19 students from our school (aged 14 and 15).
Here are the results:

1. What social networks are used/popular in your country?
The most popular is Facebook.  Then there are Twitter, Instagram andTumblr.
Facebook..... 100%

2. How much time do you spend on these networks?
Most of the students spend about 1 hour on social networks.
1 hour.....56%
2 hours...25%
3 hours....12%

3. What do you use these networks for? Chatting, photos, studying, etc.?
The vast majority uses the networks for chatting, but other activities are quite common, too.

4. Do you limit the access other people have to certain parts of your network?
Everyone limits the access to other people, except for one person.

5. What sort of personal information do you/other people put on these sites? How much of that information is "real"?
Most students say that they post their names, their last names, date of birth and where they live (home town) in their profiles.  They don’t lie about these things. It is common to write on FB about what you are doing, what grades you got in school, what mood you are in, etc. Most of them believe that people often don’t tell the truth about these everyday things.

6.  Have you ever said, posted or done anything on one of these sites that you regret?
Everyone answered NO.

7. Why do people share the information they put on these sides?
The most common answers are: -because of popularity (They believe it will make them more popular with their friends.)
- because people want to share with other people what they are doing -they feel more connected.

8. How many of your "friends" on these sites are your friends?
Most common answers are:  half of friends or most of friends.

9. Have you ever felt deceived by anything you have ever seen or read on these sites?

10. Have you ever had a bad experience because of something you, or someone else, posted on one of these sites? If so, what?
Almost all students said NO. Three students answered YES, but only one wrote about it: "I heard about a girl, who posted her private (house) party. And later that day, there were about 400 people in her house...most of whom she didn't know."

11. What tips would you give to someone who is just starting to use these networks now?
The most popular tip was simply: Be careful!
 But some students offered some really good tips:
-Be careful, think about what you share and enjoy!
-Be careful. You never know who is on the other side of the computer!
-Accept only people you know!
- Think twice before you post something!


  1. Hello! We are group 3 from Norway. There was very interesting post and pictures on the blog. Take a look at our blog,

  2. Hi Group 3 :)! I am in Group 3 from Germany. I like your blog becuse there are so much Pictures and ist a nice layout. I find the Survey very interesting an nice because the Survey is clearly and i like, that so much People from your School have answerd the question. I would be glad when you look at our blog, I hope we can see us in Slovenia.

  3. Hello! :) I'm in Group 3 from Slovakia. I really like your blog, pictures are beautiful. :) I also like the questionnaire. I see that you worked hard on it. It is intersting to see experiences of student in your country with social networks. Take a look on our blog we would be glad. :) I look forward to our meeting in Slovenia. :))

  4. Hello! I'm Judith Ramon from the group 3 of Spain. I liked your post, good job!
    It's very good that someone hasn't has a bad experience with the social network, but still have to be careful because you never know that might happen.

    I think rhat was a great idea to put the percentatges!
    And I repeatagain: GOOD JOB!

    Bye :)
